Digital IC Design - Lab 6 - EE 421L

Author: Brian Wolak,


October 6th, 2021 


Lab Description

- This lab will focus on the design, layout and simulation of 2-input NAND & XOR gates in CMOS topology. These gates will then be used to design, layout and simulate a 2-bit full adder. 


Pre-Laboratory Procedure

- As with all previous labs, reports, and supporting documents were backed up using .zip files and my personal Google Drive

- Tutorial 4 was completed and lab coumentation was reviewed in its entirety to prepare for the lab instruction


Laboratory Objectives

All objectives should be completed using a standard cell method so all vdd! and gnd! connections align


1.) Draft a schematic a 2-input 6u/6n sized NAND gate in CMOS topology

- provide schematic, layout, symbol views and simulation results proving accurate device operation

2.) Draft a schematic a 2-input 6u/6n sized XOR gate in CMOS topology

- provide schematic, layout, symbol views and simulation results proving accurate device operation

3.)  Combine the XOR and NAND gates produced above to build a static full-adder circuit in CMOS topology

- provide schematic, layout, symbol views and simulation results proving accurate device operation

- full adder inputs/outputs should be on metal1 or metal2



Laboratory Procedure

Design of 6u/6n NAND Gate

First I'll begin with a schematic and symbol for the NAND gate, then move on to the layout and simulation


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Figures 1-2: Schematic and symbol for NAND gate

Cick for larger image  Click for larger image

Figures 3-4: Layout and extracted views for NAND Gate



Figure 5: NAND Gate DRC confirmation


The NAND gate will now be simulated using a 5v pulse input and 5V vdd

Figure 6: NAND Gate simulation circuit


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Figure 7: NAND Gate simulation results showing proper device operation


Design of 6u/6n XOR Gate

Again I will begin with a schematic and symbol view, then move on to the layout and extracted with simulation results

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Figure 8: Schematic of XOR Gate

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Figure 9: Symbol view of XOR Gate

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Figures 10-11: Layout and extracted views of XOR Gate


Figure 12: DRC confirmation for XOR Gate


The XOR Gate will now be simulated to test functionality using a 5v DC pulse and 5V vdd

Figure 13: XOR Gate Simulation Circuit


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Figure 14: XOR Gate simulation results


NOTE: Reviewing the above simulation and the ones to follow we can see spikes in the output and glitches in the output of the simulation. This is due to brief rise and fall of the input signal. This is caused by the rise or fall when the MOSFET is neither on or off for a very short instance. If the rise and fall time was ideally zero in a true logical transisiton this would eliminate the glitch. 


Design of Full-Adder

Combining the two gates built above, I will now combine them to create a static full-adder device. Starting with the same routine of building a schematic, and symbol you can see the results below.

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Figure 15: Static full-adder schematic using NAND and XOR gates

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Figure 16: Full-adder symbol view

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Figure 17: Layout View of full-adder device

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Figure 18: Layout view with LVS confirmation

Figure 19: DRC Confirmation of Full-Adder


Finally the Full-Adder will be simulated using 5V DC pulse sources to again provide a logic input to the full-adder and 5V vdd

Figure 20: Full-Adder Simulation Circuit


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Figure 21: Full-Adder Simulation output showing proper device operation





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